Is your student riding a bus to Deer Park? Click here to see the bus routes for the 2024-2025 school year!
Click here for up-to-date bus status.

All bus riders are expected to report to their bus room at the end of the day. Families should review the Bus Room Document with their students so that they can successfully ride the bus home eah afternoon.
Please take some time to review the BCPS Guide to Transportation. If you have questions about your child's transportation assignment, please contact the BCPS Office of Transportation at (443) 809-4321.
Have you purchased your school supplies for this year? Check out our supply list for the 2024-2025 school year!
Click here for the 2024-2025 Uniform Guide

Has your student been vaccinated?
- All students in grades K-9 must have two Varicella vaccines
- All students in grades 7-12 must have a Tdap vaccine (Whooping Cough) and Meningococcal vaccine (Meningitis)
- All students must have their vaccinations complete by September 15, 2024 or they will not be allowed to return to school
Click here to find a vaccination center

Deer Park is a No Cell Phone school!
Students are not permitted to use cell phones or Air pods during the school day. It is the expectation that students cell phones will be away during instruction and in the hallways. Students may only use their cell phones during lunch in the cafeteria. It is suggested that parents and guardians set controls on their child's phone to limit screen time and communication access during the school day. Families with iPhones or Android phones should review the linked information.
